Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Yogic Philosophy to Peace

Ahimsa ~ The Yogic Philosophy to Peace

There is a way to achieve harmony with our environment and others according to Hindu belief and yogic philosophy. In Hindu philosophy the principles of divine law inspire men and women to live in compassion and nonviolence. The rishis were mystics who believe all beings exist in interlaced dependence. In other words, the whole is contained in the part and the part in the whole. Based on this concept, oneness arose for the basis of noninjury or nonviolence.

Hindus believe in the existence of God everywhere. This basic belief creates the attitude of sublime tolerance and acceptance towards others. The concept of ahimsa is based upon one not wanting to hurt something which one revered. Ahimsa is not about good and evil but rather abstaining from causing harm whether physical, mental or emotional. All the experiences in this life are of one's own creation, though it may be acted out through others.

Pantajali (circa 100 ce) regards ahimsa as the yogis vow which those seeking truth must follow it strictly and without fail. This was meant not only to condemn killing but also harm caused by words, and deeds including injury to the natural environment.

Ahimsa is wisdom, a cumulative knowledge of divine laws and the sacredness of all things. Peace is a reflection of spiritual consciousness and violence is a reflection of unevolved consciousness. The unevolved or lower nature on this planet right now are seen as the antagonists and protective of only their immediate environment. All others are their enemies where jealousy, fear and anger run rampant. In time, those of lower nature will come into a higher nature so humanity may progress from the darkness to higher divine light.

Om Shanti~

Mary Jane - Yogi and Feng Shui Master



Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Daily Meditation

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

Today is about Success! Here are a few intentions to breath through your yoga practice this morning.
I stretch just a little bit beyond what's comfortable.
As I do so, I am supported by The Uni-verse.
Life is only risky if I don't risk. Today, I choose to take a risk.

Om Shanti~
Mary Jane

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

An old friend once said "Ride the waves in life," and how true that is. We have a choice to either frown or smile in life. The choice is simple but we tend to let the mind chatter take us down the wrong path. As Charlie Chaplin once said: "To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it."

Om Shanti!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Meditation & Yoga Intention

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

 Failure is inevitable and an important aspect on the path to success. Here is a quote worth reading several times today or simply make it your intention for your yoga practice this morning.

“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.”
- J.K. Rowling

Mary Jane

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bridge Pose

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

Bridge pose acts as a wonderful healer of scarred relationships. As you build the bridge upwards imagine it uniting the forces between you and others. The higher you move into the bridge make sure you rise higher on to your shoulders for good support. The height of the bridge also moves the energy closer to the heavens for blessings.

Om Shanti~
Mary Jane

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

Focus on the heart chakra in your practice today. Great heart openers fall within the back-bend family. As you open the heart space imagine a pink light of emotional heart energy flowing across the chest and spreading around your body. Here is a wonderful quote to think about during your practice.
“Not only do self-love and love of others go hand in hand but ultimately they are indistinguishable.”  #meditaiton #yoga
- M. Scott Peck  http://ow.ly/i/5bu0i

Om Shanti~
Mary Jane

Monday, April 7, 2014

Balance the Nervous System with Yoga

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

Yoga can balance your nervous system and boost your immune system too!  Daily yoga practice brings equilibrium to mind and body  bringing us into the parasympathetic system causing relaxation in the physiologic body. This bodes well for blood pressure, breathing rate, and digestion to a name a few body systems. The end result - Health!

Om Shanti~
Mary jane

Friday, April 4, 2014

Meditation & Yoga

BSA Meditation & Yoga -

Child's pose reminds of being in the womb and connecting to divine source. Move to child's pose frequently during your practice and connect to a higher state of being. Standing forward folds also allow the higher self to take the lead as the head moves below the heart releasing the need to lead with the head or ego state of mind.

Om Shanti~
Mary Jane

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


BSA Meditation & Yoga

"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
~Thích Nhất Hạnh

Such a profound quote. Take the breath and make it your best friend.

Om Shanti~
Mary Jane

Cultivate Clarity and Soothe Your Nerves

How we breathe provides a window into your current energetic state. Simple breathing (Pranayama) practices can function as tonics to invit...