Wednesday, September 28, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Knee flexors!
The knee flexor counterbalances the extension force of the quads. The knee flexor and quad extensors oppose each other to stabilize the knee. It is so important to avoid hyper-extension or "locking" out of the knee during standing poses in your yoga practice. This can overstretch the hamstrings and create unhealthy stress on the knee cartilage. Contract the knee flexor instead as this will avoid hyper-extending the knee. An easy way to do this is to press down on the ball of the foot. This will contract the calf muscle and stabilize your knee.
Happy yoga!
Mary Jane -
Monday, September 26, 2016
"Pie in the Sky Yoginin" Taoist Tantra Training!
Not to be missed 40 hour training: ALIGN. REMAIN ALIGN . TRANSFORM:
Learn More!
~Mary Jane:
Thursday, September 22, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Change!
Embrace change rather than fearing it. What you actually fear is things remaining the same. When that happens life has stopped.
Life is an evolution - quietly evolving each moment into something new, something different, something that adds perfectly to what was. Learn to honor and the love the process of continual evolution and transformation. It's how things grow, how you grow, and how life is.
To assist you with change, chant the sounds of the chakras daily:
Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Om , Om...
~Mary Jane -
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Chaturanga Dandasana Pose
Chaturanga is one of the most common poses in yoga that we do over and over again especially if you practice vinyasa yoga. So many times I see students move through the pose so quickly they do not give themselves a chance to work through it. Two common pitfalls are the shoulder blades lift off the back and the head of the shoulder rounds forward; both place a tremendous load on the shoulder joint. The body will compensate this problematic position by lifting the butt up into the air.If you strengthen the upper back muscles this will rectify poor shoulder positioning in the pose.
The key is to make sure your arms are 90 degrees to the floor while lowering down. For this to happen you need to shift your body forward while in plank pose. Make sure you really shift forward - more than you think to broaden across the collar bones. Next, pin your shoulder blades to your back. Let them connect behind your heart. Bend your elbows and hugs them close to your ribs as you lower towards the ground. Your hands should be positioned by your lower ribs and not directly under your shoulders. Reach back with your heels and extend through the crown of your head.
Stay Healthy!
~ Mary Jane -
Thursday, September 15, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Heart - Heart - Heart!
As you go deeper into your journey, deeper into your joy, go deeper into your heart. Mend and heal those tiny break lines, fractures and cracks. As you go deeper into joy, you may feel some old stuff rise - let it go! The only way to get to the good stuff is to clear out the junk. Tap into Merkaba meditation along with some heart opening poses such as bow or camel. You'll be surprised how effective these poses are to release what no longer serves your heart.
~Mary Jane -
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Easing into Down Dog!
Downward facing dog is one of the most popular poses and identifiable poses in yoga. It behooves all yogis to ease into this asana from the start. With tight hamstrings, the pelvis tilts backwards (retroversion) and this pulls the lumbosacral fascia and back muscles, so that the lower back loses some of its natural arch. If you bend the knees this will effectively release the hamstrings and free the lower back. Contract the iliosoas and this will tilt the pelvic forward (anteversion). This action will bring back thighs. Now contract the triceps to straighten the elbows, contract the quads and straighten the knees and draw the hamstrings out to a full stretch to complete the pose.
~Mary Jane -
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Easing into Down Dog!
Downward facing dog is one of the most popular poses and identifiable poses in yoga. It behooves all yogis to ease into this asana from the start. With tight hamstrings, the pelvis tilts backwards (retroversion) and this pulls the lumbosacral fascia and back muscles, so that the lower back loses some of its natural arch. If you bend the knees this will effectively release the hamstrings and free the lower back. Contract the iliosoas and this will tilt the pelvic forward (anteversion). This action will bring back thighs. Now contract the triceps to straighten the elbows, contract the quads and straighten the knees and draw the hamstrings out to a full stretch to complete the pose.
~Mary Jane -
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Triangle Pose & your Leg Muscles
Did you ever wonder what's going on with your muscles when you are executing triangle pose? First, there are several muscles involved with triangle pose. The synergistic muscles to the quadriceps are the iliosoas and tensor fascia lata. The antagonist are the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, sartorius and gracilis. The chakra that illuminate is the second - naval. When you move into extended triangle (Utthita Trikonasana), the rectus femoris flexes the hip, the quadriceps contract, extending the knee and flexing the hip. So the next time you move into triangle pose be sure to thank all those muscles that are guiding you there!
~Mary Jane -
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: 3 Ways to Deepen your Yoga Practice!
It is easy to let life get in the way of your yoga practice but here are three simple ways you can deepen your practice and stay on your yogic path.
1. Do 10: Find 10 minutes a day on your mat or meditation cushion and you'll be happy you did. It is amazing how refreshed and focus your mind and body will become by just giving it 10!
2. Don't Give Up: As a yoga teacher I am the first one to say yoga isn't easy. Everyday there is a new lesson that your mind and body will teach you. Don't avoid those poses you're not crazy about. Instead, go for it and soon you will not need the wall or block to achieve the pose.
3. Just Let Go: If you can't let go of your to-do list, then make certain you include "yoga practice" on it. Let me be honest with you. I am far more productive when yoga is a part of my day. Instead of looking at the practice as something that will take up your time, surrender to the moment and know it is something that will make your day more productive, peaceful and joyful!
~Om - Mary Jane -
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Imagine all the Possibilities!
Think of the possibilities for you life - for love - for work - for growth. Think of all the possibilities for adventure, for fun and for service. This day, this week, this month, this year abounds with endless possibilities. Each task you have to do, each problem you encounter and need to solve abounds with possibilities. You life abounds with possibilities.
Open to life's abundance. Open to all its possibilities. The more open you become, the more creative you'll be - in work, in play, in love, in life! Make that connection now through your meditation and yoga practice.
Mary Jane~
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Cultivate Clarity and Soothe Your Nerves
How we breathe provides a window into your current energetic state. Simple breathing (Pranayama) practices can function as tonics to invit...