Jules Verne is the third most translated novelist of all time, right after Disney Productions and Agatha Christie. Thinking of Jules Verne the most common associations are fantasy, science fiction and life-changing adventure.
This is a man who began studying law after his father but was called to be a writer. he was referred to as a prophet as many of his works predicted future inventions. Some of those are the television, automobiles, air conditioning, submarines, helicopters and jukeboxes.
Inspiring Quotes by Jules Verne ~
"Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth."
"Travel enables us to enrich our lives with new experiences, to enjoy and to be educated, to learn respect for foreign cultures, to establish friendships, and above all to contribute to international cooperation and peace throughout the world."
Follow you inspiration today and see where it leads you~ Namaste - Mary Jane
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