Do not add or subtract from yourself. Be who you were born to be. Don't let what others may say or even the media interrupt your desires to be who you are suppose to be.
Stop procrastinating or playing the "Poor Me" game. Instead, soar high and be your most authentic true self. It takes character to stand out and let it all just hang out.
The freedom of being in the moment is to think freely and be who you want to be. The only thing to be in this life is YOU, everything else is already taken.
Enjoy the moment - or it will pass you by.
Namaste, Mary Jane
"We've got the idea that 'No, I'm something IN this body.' The ego. That's a joke. The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention. It's like the radar on a ship. The radar on a ship is a troubleshooter. Is there anything in the way? And conscious attention is a designed function of the brain to scan the environment, like a radar does, and note for any troublemaking changes. But if you identify yourself with your troubleshooter, then naturally you define yourself as being in a perpetual state of anxiety. And the moment we cease to identify with the ego and become aware that we are the whole organism, we realize first thing how harmonious it all is. Because your organism is a miracle of harmony. All these things functioning together." -Alan Watts
ReplyDeletelove you aunt MJ!