Monday, February 13, 2012

Fear & Risk Taking

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Alfred, Lord Tennyson was an English poet who was appointed poet laureate in 1850, and considered highly representative of the Victorian age in England. In his poem I Envy Not In Any Moods, Tennyson sends us a message that is all too often ignored by those who live in fear of failing. He tells us to go on in life as if failure were not a consideration, and to ignore our fears as we proceed. Freedom is what is valued, despite the inherent risks. Read Tennyson's poem and consider the radical idea; there is no such thing as failure.

I Envy Not In Any Moods:

I envy not in any moods
The captive void of noble rage,
The linnet born within the cage,
That never knew the summer woods:

I envy not the beast that takes
His license in the field of time,
Unfetter'd by the sense of crime,
To whom a conscience never wakes;

Nor, what may count itself as blest,
The heart that never plighted troth
But stagnates in the weeds of sloth,
Nor any want-begotten rest.

I hold it true, what're befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

~Alfred, Lord Tennyson 

Go out today and start something new and never mind the risk you may have to take.

Mary Jane Kasliner - Feng Shui Master - Yoga Teacher
President - Body Space Alignment

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