Friday, March 27, 2015

Yoga Flow for Spring

Yoga Flow For Spring

This is the time of year we naturally look to cleanse our environment. Why not cleanse your body too! Here is a great detox yoga flow to get things moving internally. Make sure you are under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor or have a daily practice before starting this detox routine.

  • Start in a seated position and twist slowly to the right and then to the left - seated spinal twist.
  • Move to several rounds of cat-cow and take a lions roar or Simhasa breath.
  • Take several rounds of Sun salutations A and B variations.
  • From Down dog hop into boat pose and work that core!
  • Rock and roll on your spine and float up into twisting chair pose.
  • Step back to warrior 1 and glide into pyramid pose.
  • Take a sun salutation and move into twisting triangle and really release those toxins! Remember to repeat on the other side.
  • Glide back down to the earth into seated forward fold and hold for several breaths to help with the digestive and elimination processes of the body.
  • Relax back into bridge pose for 5 breaths and release back down to the earth one vertebrae at a time. Let the knees drop from one side to the other and let go of lumbar spine.
  • Transition into wind relieving pose and then lengthen the legs towards the sky for legs up a wall. - water fall pose.
  • Release to corpse pose for at lease 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Drink plenty of fresh water to assist your body with the cleanse.

Happy Spring...Ommm!

Mary Jane

Friday, March 20, 2015

What Wisdom Are your Bringing from the Dark of Winter into the Light of Spring?

Spring is here and the energy is awakening all around us. We can release the darkness of winter and discover what lies ahead. Here are a few statements to reflect on to assist in the process. Write down whatever comes into your mind. Keep writing until the words become a force field of energy that takes you inward - a place where you can connect to natural self.


Who am I becoming?

What am I awakening in myself?

What do I consciously wish to unite at the Spring Equinox?

What do I wish to grow more of in my life?

What do I want to encourage, give my attention to, so that it has the best chance of manifestation? (What projects or plans am I giving birth to?).

How can I help the earth and those in need?

After you have written down your answers, go outdoors and spend some time with nature. Notice how everything moves into right place at right time. - from darkness to light.

Feel free to cleanse your environment and your body from stagnant qi that has built up over the past few months. Anything from a simple cleaning to repainting or rearranging your furnishing is perfect. Re-examine your diet and exercise regime and notice what needs tweaking. Enjoy the process and awaken source within self and your environment.

Mary jane

Monday, March 16, 2015

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4. The left nostril is the path of the Nadi called Ida and the right nostril is the path of the Nadi called Pingala. If you are really healthy, you will breathe predominantly through the Ida nostril about one hour and fifty minutes, then through the Pingala nostril. But in many people, this natural rhythm is disturbed. Anuloma Viloma restores, equalizes and balances the flow of Prana in the body. 

One round of Anuloma Viloma is made up of six steps, as shown below. Start by practicing three rounds and build up slowly to twenty rounds, extending the count within the given ratio. 

The Vishnu Mudra

In Anuloma Viloma, you adopt the Vishnu Mudra with your right hand to close your nostrils. Tuck your index and middle finger into your nose. Place the thumb by your right nostril and your ring and little fingers by your left. 

One Round of Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

    Anuloma Viloma 1
  • Inhale through the left nostril, closing the right with the thumb, to the count of four.
  • Anuloma Viloma 2
  • Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.
  • Anuloma Viloma 3
  • Exhale through the right nostril, closing the left with the ring and little fingers, to the count of eight.
  • Anuloma Viloma 4
  • Inhale through the right nostril, keeping the left nostril closed with the ring and little fingers, to the count of four.
  • Anuloma Viloma 5
  • Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.
  • Anuloma Viloma 6
  • Exhale through the left nostril, keeping the right closed with the thumb, to the count of eight.
  • Thursday, March 12, 2015

    Get Grounded and Plug In

    Get Grounded and Plug In

     Japanese Gardens - Oregon
    Get grounded and plug into you intuition with this simple meditation.
    • Sit with your spine erect and body balanced. Become aware of your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Imagine all your worries and mind chatter releasing with each out breath.
    • Imagine you have an hour-glass figure. Think of the top portion of your body open wide like a funnel, narrowed at the center for a strong and supportive core, and open at the bottom grounding you firmly into the earth.
    • Visualize yourself as your favorite tree - perhaps a mighty oak. See your branches stretched out above, your roots stretch deeply into the ground, and your trunk straight and strong.
    • Breathe into your branches imagining the warm sun filling you up. Take the breath right down through your trunk and breathe out strongly through your roots, deep into the ground.
    • Now breathing from the earth and draw the breath back up through your roots, up through your trunk, and all the way into your branches - out into the fresh air and sun.
    • Repeat this breath as many times as you like and plug into higher self.


    Mary Jane

    Thursday, March 5, 2015

    Peel Back the Koshas & Find Peace

    Peeling Back the Koshas to Find Peace


    The koshas are the many facets or layers of a human being. The ancient spiritual practice of Vedanta, uses the koshas to uncover the divine self. Practicing different yoga postures (asanas) helps to create a balance in each of the five layers (koshas) and leads to self knowledge. The layers work from the outer most level (Annamayakosha) to the inner most layer (Anandamyakosha) and represent different areas of the human body.

    1. Annamayakosha - This layer represents the physical body and the five elements defined in Ayurvedic medicine (earth, water, fire, air, and space). Different yoga postures directly balance this level of the body.
    2. Pranamyakosha - This is the energy body and includes the subtle energy vortexes or wheels known as the chakras and the Prana Vayus or main energy currents of the body. It is the breath, how we take it in and how well it nourishes the organ systems. When prana is blocked or stagnant, disease can occur. Yoga postures open up the energy body and restores balance.
    3. Manomayakosha - This layer represents our emotional responses. It includes the fight or flight response, survival, reproduction, social roles and personality. This kosha relates to our psycho-emotional health. The Manomayakosha is easily thrown out of balance by stress and can result in physical and mental illness. Yoga practice is an excellent way to de-stress and relax the body and mind bringing this kosha back into alignment.
    4. Vjnyanamayakosha - This layer corresponds to our wisdom, intuition and insight. Becoming a witness to how we live and doing away with patterns that are physically or emotionally destructive is necessary for the development of our higher self. Yoga postures help to calm the mind and is essential for the wisdom body.
    5. Anandamayakosha - This is the true self or bliss body. The nature of this self is inner directness, stillness and contentment. This level is experienced momentarily but it gives us a clearer understanding of our true nature. All yoga practice is a catalyst for this level of awareness.
    Mary Jane

    Tuesday, March 3, 2015

    Spring Meditations

    Spring Meditation Questions:

    Who am I becoming?

    What am I awakening in myself?

    What do I consciously wish to unite at the Spring Equinox?

    What do I wish to grow more of in my life?

    What do I want to encourage, give my attention to, so that it has the best chance of manifestation? (What projects or plans am I giving birth to?).

    How can I help the earth and those in need?

    Spring Cleansing Asanas:

    Enjoy these poses to cleanse your body and mind this spring:

    Wide legged forward fold: Not only a great pose for opening tight hamstrings, allowing your head to fall below your heart in Wide-Legged Forward Bend reverses the pull of gravity, encouraging circulation of blood throughout the body as well as fluid to your filtering lymph nodes. The folding motion also squeezes the belly, which moves things along for digestion.

    Three-Legged Downward Dog

    Holding your head below your heart and your leg lifted in the air in this variation of Down Dog encourages blood to circulate throughout the body, as well as move fluid to the lymph nodes. If your upper body is strong, this pose can also be very relaxing, which aids in mental detox as well, releasing stress, fear, and sadness.

    Bound Headstand

    Another pose where your heart is above your head, Headstand removes toxins in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This is also a pose that's typically held 10 breaths or longer, and focusing on deep breaths clears out carbon dioxide from the lungs.

    Happy Spring!

    Mary Jane



    Cultivate Clarity and Soothe Your Nerves

    How we breathe provides a window into your current energetic state. Simple breathing (Pranayama) practices can function as tonics to invit...