Monday, February 18, 2013

Powerful Energy Meditation

Meditation for Powerful Energy

It is best to start this meditation in easy pose. You can also practice this meditation in shoulder stand; however, it requires an advance posture as your hands will be in a mudra position over the solar plexus area.

Begin by sitting in easy pose with a straight spine and chin slightly tucked creating a stream-line of energy from the base of the spine to the 3rd-eye point (point between the brows). Interlock all of your fingers with the exception of your sun (ring) fingers, these fingers should be pointing straight up. The right thumb locks down over the left thumb. Place this hand mudra several inches away from the body and in alignment with the diaphragm level. The ring fingers will now be pointing outward from the body at 60 degrees.

Close your eyes and begin to tune into the rhythm of your breath. After several rounds of a relaxed breath, inhale deeply and chant the sound "ong," on a long exhalation (10-15 seconds). The sound mantra is created through the nose, so the mouth is held slightly open, but no air exits the mouth. The sound comes from the nose and palate area. Take your time with this mantra so you feel a vibration in the top of the mouth (palate). Continue this mantra for 8 minutes. It is actually fantastic to do this mantra to clear out any congestion in the upper respiratory system. As a result your eyes will be brighter and your earring clearer and you're breathing smoother. Not to mention it will clear out unwanted chatter in your mind so you can think more clearly.

The sound mantra awakens the 3rd-eye point (ajna) and in doing so it connects to higher self. The sound vibration comes through the central nervous system or main channel (shushmana) vibrating the thymus at the same time. It is important to remember to allow the sound to come from the back of the nose while the mouth remains open.
This is such a powerful energy meditation that doing it only five times you will feel completely energized and in a state of bliss. If you want to feel more self love, this is the meditation to practice. If you choose to do this meditation in shoulder stand make sure you use a wall for support as your hands will be in mudra position in front of the body and not able to stabilize the pose.


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