Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Yogic Philosophy to Peace

Ahimsa ~ The Yogic Philosophy to Peace

There is a way to achieve harmony with our environment and others according to Hindu belief and yogic philosophy. In Hindu philosophy the principles of divine law inspire men and women to live in compassion and nonviolence. The rishis were mystics who believe all beings exist in interlaced dependence. In other words, the whole is contained in the part and the part in the whole. Based on this concept, oneness arose for the basis of noninjury or nonviolence.

Hindus believe in the existence of God everywhere. This basic belief creates the attitude of sublime tolerance and acceptance towards others. The concept of ahimsa is based upon one not wanting to hurt something which one revered. Ahimsa is not about good and evil but rather abstaining from causing harm whether physical, mental or emotional. All the experiences in this life are of one's own creation, though it may be acted out through others.

Pantajali (circa 100 ce) regards ahimsa as the yogis vow which those seeking truth must follow it strictly and without fail. This was meant not only to condemn killing but also harm caused by words, and deeds including injury to the natural environment.

Ahimsa is wisdom, a cumulative knowledge of divine laws and the sacredness of all things. Peace is a reflection of spiritual consciousness and violence is a reflection of unevolved consciousness. The unevolved or lower nature on this planet right now are seen as the antagonists and protective of only their immediate environment. All others are their enemies where jealousy, fear and anger run rampant. In time, those of lower nature will come into a higher nature so humanity may progress from the darkness to higher divine light.

Om Shanti~

Mary Jane - Yogi and Feng Shui Master



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