Thursday, July 21, 2016

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini Says: Cow Face Pose with Eagle Arms!

You certainly can reach for that pied in the sky with gomukhasana - garudasana arms. I love this pose especially if you are looking to stretch the side of your hips and upper back. Here are the simple steps:

  • Come to tabletop position
  • Slide your right knee until both knees (inner edges touch) and both are still on the ground
  • Wrap your left leg around and atop your right leg so your knees line up
  • Slide your feet away from each other slightly wider than your hips.
  • Bring your arms in front of you - bent to 90 degrees
  • Swing your left arm beneath the right and spiral your right hand and forearm around the left until your hands touch in eagle arms
  • Hold for 10 breaths and repeat opposite side


Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Touch the Eternal!

Last week I took a yoga class on the beach. As I was flowing through my sun salutation I decided to pause and gaze out into the ocean. The water was calm and the sky was a magnificent pallet of colors ranging from pink to purple and to orange. It was something to behold. Nature is a way of reminding us of eternity. Sometimes, we zoom in on the details of our lives and all we can see is the small picture - the problems, issues and specifics of what we need to do today. These moments are real. They are the heart of our lives. It is good to stay focused and attend to them, but sometimes we need to step back and see the big picture, too.

Visit places that remind you of eternity when you can. See the mountains. See the stars. Walk among the ancient redwoods. Stand at the ocean's door. Let nature and life remind you of eternity in ways that speak to your soul.


Mary Jane -

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Open Those Shoulders!

Shoulder opening yoga poses can benefit all people, especially those with chronic back and neck problems, or those who spend a lot of time each day sitting at a desk. Poor posture while sitting at a desk, table, or even while driving a car is very common and causes unfortunate physical side effects.

There are many poses in yoga that can open the shoulders and improve posture such as mountain pose, bridge, wheel, bow, and down-dog. Pay attention to your posture and know there is always room for improvement.

Here are my Wednesday morning yogis doing their thing to slowly awaken their shoulders.

Wednesday Mornings - Yoga on the Deck!: 9:30-10:45 AM - Thompson Park, Lincroft, NJ - 
Contact Allison: 732-740-4103

First Session: June 15 – July 20th
Second Session: July 27th – August 31st.


Cultivate Clarity and Soothe Your Nerves

How we breathe provides a window into your current energetic state. Simple breathing (Pranayama) practices can function as tonics to invit...