3 Strategy Steps for Making the Dragon Month of April More Productive Than Ever!
Welcome all!
is the month of the Fire Dragon and Heavenly Star (6) metal Qian. This
is an extremely powerful combination that has the potential for great
things to happen.
In today's newsletter, I'll review the Dragon and Heavenly Star
qualities and how you can make April the most productive month ever!
Elevate Your Consciousness!
Mary Jane
Dragon - The Archetype for the Month of April:
The dragon is a mythical folklore that never ceases to enchant us or stir our imagination.
The dragon is full of vitality and strength that demands high standards
and an eagerness to perform on a grand scale. Due to the high energy
stored within the dragon, it is easy to burn yourself out. Therefore, it
is wise to intelligently challenge yourself, but not move beyond what
you can realistically accomplish. More about the best strategies to
accomplish more this month, by doing less.
The dragon has a tendency to have a volcano of emotions. He would much
rather be rough, rude and utterly inconsiderate. The wise choice when
encountering this behavior is to sit back and watch the magnificent
fireworks. Don't worry, it will fizzle out before you now it. You see,
the dragon can't help but to be overly emotional, as the elements of
wood (anger), and water (fear), are hidden within the dragon. To
exacerbate this, the main element of the dragon is earth; an element
that is in clash with both wood and water. To create a bridge, and
soften the outcome between these elements, infuse the qualities of
metal, or the ability to "think through" things before you take action.
Dragon Pose:
In the practice of yin yoga, there is a pose called "Dragon." This pose
mainly focuses on the earth meridian that is in alignment with the major
element of the archetype animal of the dragon. The stomach meridian, in
particular, is activated in this pose. This meridian is primarily
concerned with digestion and distribution. It also fires up manipura
chakra (solar plexus), that has a direct gateway to the heart and upper
chakras and can manifest a state of higher consciousness. The stomach
meridian can also stir up feelings of anxiety or equanimity. So why does
practicing this pose for at least a 5 minute hold help? Think about
what it does on a physiological level, and then how that can translate
to everyday emotions. If you digest information presented to you, and
distribute it in a positive and productive way, you most likely will
experience feelings of equanimity and elevate your level of
consciousness. What happens on a cellular level in your physical body
also happens on an emotional and spiritual level. To learn more about
the stomach meridian and how to perform Dragon Pose click here.
Fire Dragon:
The month of April, fire rises over the earthly dragon. This is a
positive or sheng cycle of elements whereby the heavenly stem of fire
builds the root of the earthly dragon. This is the most righteous,
outgoing and competitive of all the dragons. Expectations are high, and
so is the energy. Superiority plus authority may feel a bit overwhelming
at times this month. You may find yourself pushing hard for no reason.
Trust you can build your "empire" if you strive toward the supreme order
of things. Perform at your highest level this month and you will
successfully inspire others to do the same.
The dragon resides in the direction of southeast, more specifically the
first mountain (112.5 - 127.5) degrees. The southeast contains the
element of wood, the season of spring, and weather that tends to be
windy. It's a good idea to keep the elements in this direction in
harmony with the primary elements of water and wood in décor. Be mindful
of the outdoors. Plant vegetation that is flexible, or the ability to
withstand wind. Moving water can also be implemented, but only if the
southeast direction falls to the front of your home. Water in the rear
of the structure can undermine stability, health and wealth. If you are
uncertain, it is advised to have a professional assessment, as in some
cases water in the front can aggravate any potential energy

Heavenly Star 6 Qian:
inspired and be creative! The greatest mentors in life are said to
blissfully reside in this space such as Mother Teresa, Jesus, Dr. Wayne
Dyer, Deepak, Chopra, Einstein and Gandhi... just to name a few. These
are the people who honored the higher calling to create peace and
harmony in the world through their works. They paved the way to higher
The 6 Qian heavenly star is about listening to your heart and how you
can make a difference in the world. Set in motion the intention to
attract like minded people, those who can mentor you, or you mentoring
others. Move your state of mind and attract synchronicity, being in the
right place at the right time. Expand your abilities to do the highest
good. This energy reminds us to refine our intentions so we can live in
clarity and order.
This trigram resides in the northwest direction. Check in with your
design elements and make sure there is strong support of earth and metal
to assist. Think about what inspires you and determine if your imagery
holds true to that inspiration.
Since the trigram 6 Qian is activated this month, it will also make a
move to the center of the home so all occupants can enjoy its energy.
The metal meridians within the body will also be activated honing in on
the lungs and large intestines. The emotions of sorrow and courage come
to the light. It is connected to our ability to encounter difficulty
with tenacity. This star is also associated with the head and crown
chakra - an opening to higher consciousness. You can activate this
chakra point with any inversion of your choice. Headstand or rabbit pose are wonderful choices to infuse during your yoga practice this month.
3 Strategy Steps for a Productive Month:
that you understand the energy you are working with this month, here
are three simple strategies to get the most out of your month.
What Happened Last Month?
of the easiest ways you can be more productive this month is to take in
account what you accomplished last month. That's right...The good, the
bad and the ugly. List your accomplishments as well as your failures.
See what went right, and see what went wrong, and then determine how to
improve on each of them.
List Your Goals for This Month:
is the time to list your goals for this month. Using the solar
calendar, the month of April begins today. Don't be shy. Create a list
as long as you like realizing that if you accomplish even 50% you'll be
more productive than you thought you could be. Be precise and maybe even
daring. Don't rush the list. Let it evolve instead.
Track Your Progress:
Make sure you track your progress throughout the month. Are you staying
on your path or have you diverted? Perhaps break down the month with
weekly goals so it doesn't seem so daunting. Remember, rely on what you
did in March to figure out what to do in April!
Feng Shui Classes: Modules 1-5:
Start Now! Delve
into my 10-part module series in feng shui training. This training can
be downloaded straight to your computer for ease to reference all
materials! Find out more by visiting: www.njfengshuitraining.com
Advance Feng Shui Classes Now Available as Home Study!
this advance feng shui method and become proficient on how to read the
inherent energy within a structure and how it changes with time. This
is a fantastic method to predict the incoming combinations daily,
monthly and annually to map out your course for any aspect of your life.
It's a game changer if you already practice feng shui. It builds
clientele who come back monthly and annually for readings. Albeit the
greater shifts of energy are monthly and annually, it is always a
benefit to know what the daily energy is for making big decisions for
yourself or clients. Click here to visit my online training programs and look for this program!
Also available is the Bazi 4 Pillars program. This
is one of my most popular services for my clients. Learn how to read
the 4 Pillars system and create full life reading reports including
business relationships, soul's mission, personal relationship, family
interactions, health readings, society interactions and much more. This
technique is a must if you are a feng shui practitioner or learning to
become one! Click here to purchase this course.
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