Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini

Sometimes certain poses look CRAZY! I for one have seen some interesting poses that I think can't be humanly possible, but then I get out of my own way and just allow the "knowning" body and mind to take over. For example, in this mornings class one of the more challenges poses known as 8 angle pose was presented. If you could have seen the look on some of the yogis faces - priceless! I simply told them to get out of the thinking mind and body and allow the breath to guide the movement of the body - to hug muscle to bone, find the fulcrum and rise. Not everyone achieved the final pose but many went beyond what they ever thought was possible. This is true in life - get out of your own way and just let the "Knowing" take front and center.

If anyone is interested to learn more about 8 angle pose, this is straight from yoga journal...And yes, I am proud to say at the age of 54 I can move into this pose with grace. BREATHE!

Mary Jane

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