Monday, March 20, 2017

Wrist Pain and Yoga Practice!

The wrists have a great deal of moving parts anatomy wise and therefore are subject to injury. How many times have you felt wrist discomfort in down dog or plank pose not to  mention arm balances? Here are a few ways to keep those wrist in shape.

  • Increase core strength. Believe it or not a strong core takes to load off the wrist. Try moving into to forearm plank and holding it for 10 seconds before lowing to the ground. Repeat 2 to 3 times. While in forearm plank engage your gluteus maximus and attempt to drag your forearms towards your feet without actually moving them.
  • Activate your rotator cuffs by moving into eagle arms. Draw elbows shoulder height and then rotate slowly to the right and hold for 10 seconds. Rotate to the left and hold for another 10 seconds. Come back to center position and hold for 30 seconds and repeat opposite side switching arm position in eagle pose.
  • Stabilize your wrists in child's pose with palms down in front of you while rolling back your shoulders to draw the blades together behind the heart. Press into the mounds of the bases of your fingers so the wrist gently lift off the earth. Maintain the lift through your exhalation and on your inhalation lower wrist back to the earth. Repeat for several breaths.
  • Integrate the aforementioned steps in downward facing dog. Starting from child's pose lifting the wrists by pressing the base of the knuckles into the earth. Draw the shoulder blades back and lift your hips. On exhalation, sink your heels towards the floor as you r abdomen engages. Contract the quadriceps to straighten your knees and lift the tops of your feet towards your shins. Draw your body back towards your heels and further stabilize your core.

Mary Jane Kasliner

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