Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spring Meditations

Spring Meditation Questions:

Who am I becoming?

What am I awakening in myself?

What do I consciously wish to unite at the Spring Equinox?

What do I wish to grow more of in my life?

What do I want to encourage, give my attention to, so that it has the best chance of manifestation? (What projects or plans am I giving birth to?).

How can I help the earth and those in need?

Spring Cleansing Asanas:

Enjoy these poses to cleanse your body and mind this spring:

Wide legged forward fold: Not only a great pose for opening tight hamstrings, allowing your head to fall below your heart in Wide-Legged Forward Bend reverses the pull of gravity, encouraging circulation of blood throughout the body as well as fluid to your filtering lymph nodes. The folding motion also squeezes the belly, which moves things along for digestion.

Three-Legged Downward Dog

Holding your head below your heart and your leg lifted in the air in this variation of Down Dog encourages blood to circulate throughout the body, as well as move fluid to the lymph nodes. If your upper body is strong, this pose can also be very relaxing, which aids in mental detox as well, releasing stress, fear, and sadness.

Bound Headstand

Another pose where your heart is above your head, Headstand removes toxins in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This is also a pose that's typically held 10 breaths or longer, and focusing on deep breaths clears out carbon dioxide from the lungs.

Happy Spring!

Mary Jane



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