Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Energy Wheels - Transform Your Reality

Energy Wheels - Transform Your Reality


Chakras: The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers
Transform Your Reality
We all have the ability to transform our life if we choose to. There are many modalities that can assist in the process but there is nothing more powerful then working with the vibration of energy. All energy vibrates outward and directly impacts other vibrations that it comes in contact with. You are simply one more element in this vibrating Universe that releases a vibration.
In order to achieve vibrational harmony and positive change we need to work at the etheric level. We can do this by awakening the chakras (energy wheels) in the body and structure through sound, color, stones, scents and movement. As a result you can nourish all aspects of your life and transform your reality.
Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning "wheels of light."  These centers were named as such because of the circular shape to the spinning energy centers (vortexes) which exist in our subtle etheric body, the non-material energetic counterpart to our physical body. 
There are seven main chakras with seven subset chakras or microcosm of the greater macrocosm. They are positioned along the main channel (sushumna) or spine extending out the front and back of the body.  They constantly pull energy in from the surrounding environment.
The two lesser channels of energy -- the Pingala on the right – (yang representation or Sheva downward manifesting) and Ida on the left (yin representation or Shakti liberating or upward current), run parallel to the spinal cord. These wheels of energy both take up and collect prana (life force energy also known as qi) and transform and pass it on to the physical body and organ systems.
Each chakra (energy wheel) is associated with a certain part of the body, specific aspect of human behavior, and internal organ system. These energy wheels rotate at different frequencies relative to location in the body and awareness of the individual to integrate the characteristics of each chakra into their life. The lower wheels are associated with fundamental emotions and needs vibrating at a lower frequency as they are denser in nature. The finer energies of the upper wheels correspond to our higher mental and spiritual aspirations and faculties. These wheels rotate at a higher frequency then the lower wheels.

The openness and flow of energy through the chakras (energy wheels) determines our state of health and balance and empowers us on a physical, mental and spiritual level. As the Universal Laws of vibration, resonance and attraction are all based on the same principle – like vibrations attract, then aligning this subtle sensory system invites endless blessings into our life.
Finding the Flow:
One of the easiest ways to begin to align the subtle energy body is to incorporate a daily yoga and meditation practice. Keep things simple and think like a child. In other words, when a child goes out to play there isn't a thought process - there is simply the act to PLAY! This too should be your approach and actually is naturally built into our energetic body - specifically the second chakra or naval portal.
I personally enjoy a brief meditation first thing in the morning. I like to sit on my meditation cushion facing the east - sun rise position, so I can imbue my body with the essence of strong and pure ions of the atmosphere. Next, I encircle my aura using my hands with an energetic protective field visualizing  4 guardian angels (Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael) surrounding my body.
Once I feel protected, I move to simple in and out breaths to center my mind. Once I feel totally at peace I continue to sit for several more minutes to digest the energy before moving into a simple yoga practice that changes from day to day. Generally, I work with the energy I feel within. Some days I can flow through many sun salutations and warrior poses and other days I just want to remain on the earth in inversions.
The idea is to generate the flow of prana or life force within to tap into the energy of your sensory systems - and that includes the chakras. Stay tuned for more blogs on the chakras!
Mary Jane - Yoga Teacher & Feng Shui Master

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