Monday, August 22, 2016

Creating a Sacred Space ~

It’s pretty incredible how our environment affects us. But I think most of us do feel better when our house or office is clean and organized.
This is particularly true for where we choose to not only spend our time working, but doing nothing. That is to say meditating. Everywhere I have lived, no matter how little space I had, I set aside a space specifically for meditation. Bare in mind, the best portent for meditation is the northeast. When we set a a specific area for quietude, it reminds us not only to meditate, but it inspires us to create a safe place of peace in an often chaotic world.
Perhaps the main reason to create a sacred space is that it trains our mind to go into a new state when we enter our meditation room. It helps to break us out of our daily patterns. Studies show that over 90 percent of what we do each day is unconscious. The good news is that taking just 15 minutes a day to practice being more conscious can make a huge difference in our lives.

So how do you get started?
1. Find the area in your environment where you can set up your meditation cushion. If you are lucky enough to have an entire room, good for you. However, even the smallest of areas will do.
2. Add fire and earth elements: These are perfect elements for harmony especially in the northeast direction for the entire home or the northeast direction within a room. So what constitutes fire and earth elements? For the purpose of meditation, I would stick with candles and incense (fire), and perhaps a spiritual image. For earth elements, I would stick with your favorite stones, especially ones that are know to ground such as black tourmaline or Brazilian quartz.
3. Now, just DO IT! Make the effort to take time out of your busy day and sit quietly. You'll be amazed how productive you can be when your mind gets quiet!

~Mary Jane

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