Monday, October 3, 2016

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Accessory Muscles of the Breath

You ever wonder what's going on with the different muscles around your chest when you are breathing? There are accessory muscles of the breath that begin with the thoracic cage. It acts like a bellows by drawing the scapulae toward the midline. When seated in easy pose you want to straighten the lower back  so the posterior ribcage moves downward. Balance this action by gently contracting the rectus abdominis (front abs). This will draw the lower anterior ribcage downward and compress the abdominal organs against the diaphragm. Continue to draw shoulder blades together by contracting the rhomboids . Complete the process by gently pressing on your knees to fully open the chest. Then, just breathe!

~Mary Jane Kasliner -

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