Friday, November 4, 2016

"Pie in the Sky" Yogini: Effects of Headstand!

The ancient books have called sirsasana the king of all asanas. When we are born the head normally comes out first then all the limbs. The skull encases the brain, which controls the nervous system and the organs of sense. All the qualities; mobility, harmony, knowledge, etc. stem from the brain. The head is considered the center of sattvic qualities which control discrimination; the trunk of rajasic qualities which control passion, emotions and actions; and the region below the diaphragm of tamasic qualities which control sensual pleasure of enjoyment of food and drink and sex.

Regular practice of sirsasana makes healthy pure blood flow through the brain cells. This improves thinking power and thoughts become clearer. If headstand is not in your practice then start with shoulder stand. Regular and precise practice develops the body and disciplines the mind.

~ Om!

Mary Jane

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