Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Willful Meditation Wednesdays!

Welcome to Willful Meditation Wednesdays. Meditation practice can actually change the plasticity of our brains. For example, by focusing on wholesome thoughts, and directing our intention those ways, we can potentially influence the plasticity of our brains and shape them in ways that are beneficial. Neuroscientists have shown that even short amounts of meditation practice, like 30 minutes per day can induce measurable changes in the brain. The following changes were seen on brain scans:

  • Increase in grey matter changes to allow for cognitive flexibility.
  • Increase in grey matter density responsible for problem solving activities.
  • Increase in cortical thickness that governs learning and memory.
  • Decrease in the amygdala or what is responsible for Fight or Flight and therefore less anxiety, fear and reactive behavior.
  • Decrease in wandering "Monkey Mind." 
Willful meditation over time can make the brain, and thus us, more efficient regulators for pausing to respond to our worlds instead of mindlessly reacting!

Mary Jane Feng Sui Yoga Girl -

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