Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Marichi Pose!

This asana, named after the sage Marichi (son of the creator Brahma and grandfather of the Sun of God, Surya), is excellent for the abdominal region as it causes those organs to contract, thereby increasing circulation.


  1. Start in Dandasana, sitting with your legs straight in front of you. You can fold a blanket underneath your hips, or roll half of the yoga mat to bring your hips a bit higher.
  2. Bend your right knee, and bring the heel as close to the sitting bone as feels possible. Your right foot is flat on the ground, and the left foot is straight, left knee and toes are pointing up. Press the heel of the left leg onto the floor to activate the back of the leg.
  3. You can keep a slight internal rotation in the left leg, while the right, bent leg has a slight external rotation. Turn your upper body gently towards the left, so that the right shoulder rotates towards the left leg, and the left shoulder rotates back.
  4. Inhale your right arm up to shoulder level, and turn the thumb down. Exhale, start folding forward, and bring the right arm from outside your bent leg towards the right outer thigh.
  5. Inhale, and with an exhalation bring your left arm behind your back, and take a hold of your wrists or fingers behind your back.
  6. Keeping your back long, and keeping space between your pubic bone and navel, fold more forward. Draw your shoulder blades back towards your hands.
  7. Stay for 3-6 long breaths.
  8. To come out, release the hands first, sit up slowly, straighten the leg and take a few breaths before you repeat on the other side.

Mary Jane Kasliner


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